
Frequently Asked Questions

Due The Right Things is a call to action for citizens to be engaged by sharing information and stories on our trusted digital platform to end police brutality, overreach, and government inaction by our elected officials..


Due The Right Things seeks to empower people to engage, and this platform hopes to bring awareness to effectuate change rather than just seeing talk and empty gestures from our government and police.



Due The Right Things is a grass roots community effort founded by concerned citizens of all backgrounds and consists of leaders from government, politics, business, law enforcement, and church.  The organization seeks to establish an open and transparent platform to express their opinions and ideas and to advance justice, fairness, and accountability.




1. Upload Images, Videos, Stories 

2. Educate yourself on local resources

3. Partner with Us (community groups)

4. Sustain the Effort by volunteering, contributing, messaging our efforts 


Sign up to help us DUE THE RIGHT THINGS. 



Now is the time to engage and get involved and to help turn the tide and help effectuate lasting change in government and law enforcement. We cannot rely on government alone to solve systemic problems that have just had band aid approaches.


Make an effort and DUE THE RIGHT THINGS!

“The time is always right to do the right thing” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

900 Granby Street, Suite 223, Norfolk, VA 23510

Call Us: (757) 231-3552

Contact Us
